Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Warm Tuesday Ramblings

As I sit here watching Anna "cook" me some dinner on her little play kitchen, the sun shinning through the windows warming my arms, I am getting rather excited about the spring

I love the excitement of waking up to sunshine!

I can always find SOMETHING to do outside.

Manual labor outside is my favorite.

I could seriously spend all day outside cutting trees and picking up limbs and be so so so happy.

I have had to force Roger to let ME be the one to tend to the yard.

I love cutting grass!

This spring our front and back porch need some tender love and care.
The front porch is peeling really bad and the back porch looks VERY thirsty.

I keep looking out the window, anxiously awaiting the day that I get to start the prep work.

We have a few more trees to cut down in the back yard.

When we moved in there was a small growth forest in the back.

Totally not kidding.

We have cut so many trees down and there are still more to cut.

Our back yard needs some major landscape.

I have no clue how to go about landscaping but I'm hoping to learn a little bit this year.

For starters I need to goggle GRASS.  Our back yard consists of weeds, mud and old rotten walnuts. 

I'm pretty excited about all the possibilities!

It is going to be a slow process but a process that I will thoroughly enjoy.

I know we don;t live on a farm and it will be a long time before we do, but every time I walk out our kitchen door to check on the kids playing in the yard, I feel as if we do. 

I love this old house!

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