Saturday through Monday I played the role of doctor mom/wife. Taking temps, giving plenty of liquids to the needy, and cleaning up vomit. I was very careful the whole time to not touch my mouth with my hands and to constantly wash my hands. Well, monday night around 10pm I started feeling a little "not myself." I decided I was tired and took a nice hot bath to get ready for bed (I was freezing). While in the bath I started feeling like I was going to throw up so I immediately got out and got dressed as fast as I could. I hopped in the bed hoping that the nausea feeling was just a result of bath water being to hot.
Sometime in the middle of the night I found myself screaming for Preacher man while my face was in the toilet. It was horrible. Now, what you need to know about me is that I am a BIG BABY when it comes to being sick. I cry and do the classic "ooooh I am so sick" kinda whine. After 4 1/2 years and two children, Preacher Man knows his job when I'm sick. He holds my hair back and rubs my back. What a lovely guy!!!
I was so sick last night that I decided to sleep with a bucket beside the bed. Every 30 minutes I would roll over, yell for preacher man and he would give me support while I threw up (I know I am such a baby)
Early, early this morning amigo came in our bedroom saying that he was going to throw up. He laid in our floor with his elmo blanket and we both took turns throwing up in the bucket. It was a miserable night.
My main concern is little chica. She's just 5months and if she gets what amigo and I have it would be devastating. Preacher man stayed home with us today and took care of the kids and me. I laid in bed until 4:30pm and then finally forced myself to take a shower. I feel a whole lot better than I did lastnight but I'm still aching all over and just feel a bit nauseated.
Anyway, that's what has been going on in the Crazy house. There's you a little update.
Also, we have our home inspection on Thursday so let's all pray that it goes well!! Also, we have a bank that said they would offer us a 6.0% interest rate with zero points. AWESOME!! we just need to get all of our statements together so that we can lock down the interest rate. hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I sure hope amigo starts feeling better. It worries me.
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