Saturday, March 14, 2009

juggling is not just for clowns

Weekends are a little nuts at our house. We get excited if we get to sleep until 8am.  The kids are usually up and down all night long and then bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7am. I feel like I have went a life time with no sleep. Even worse, since I am a stay at home mom I feel like I get no weekends. Weekends are just the two days I have an assistant (Roger).   

After tag teaming the kids all morning (Roger, anna needs a diaper change.  Jess, paul is screaming about something in the bathroom. Roger, Anna has something in her mouth. Roger, paul is throwing balls down the stairs.) Roger and I decided to head out to chick-fill-a. It ended up being the BEST idea we have EVER had. We sat right by the entrance to the play thing so we could catch Paul if/when he tried to escape. We got some coffee, brownie ice cream, and began studying for our seminary classes.  It was great!  Paul played like a wild man chasing kids around, laughing and growling like a monster while Roger and I got some home work done. It was so nice to sit alone sipping coffee, reading our seminary books and occasionally giving each other goggly eyes.  Anna just sat in her high chair eating some weird baby chewing thing. We had an excellent time.  The whole time I was thinking "Ummm this both going to seminary at the same time IS GOING TO WORK OUT!!!"  Plus, it's AWESOME when you are studying the same things as your spouse, it gives you someone to talk things over with while you are studying. I must say we have been have GREAT in depth theological conversations lately!!  

Also, I just realized today that we are both getting the same degree. I then responded by saying "maybe I'll be the preacher in the family!!  You can be my assistant." 

When we got home we made a quick DELICIOUS dinner, played with the kids a bit and then tag teamed them to bed.  "I'll put Anna to sleep while you put Paul to sleep and I'll meet you down stairs with Popcorn and a movie in 15 min.  Ready go!!"  We ended up having a great movie night!

When the movie was over I hopped in the bath for a long warm soak. It was a FABULOUS end to a relaxing and productive weekend. 

Now, all I can think about is SPRING BREAK and Hilton Head Island with Christa and Alex!!  I'm so excited about well, the beach and catching up with some dear friends that we haven't seen in FOREVER!!  A whole week on the beach with my dear family and friends!  I'm so excited! 

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