Monday, July 20, 2009

Jogging Strollers Rock My World and Bum

This morning at 9:30 I met up with a few other moms and did some major exercising in the park. There were moments when I thought that I was going to vomit and moments that I thought my legs were going to fall off but when all was said and done I did have a great time. The mom who formed the club is a fitness trainer that does yoga and other mom/baby classes throughout town. She is very nice and really knows how to whip your body into shape. We worked nonstop, hard until 11am.  By the time it was over I didn't know if I was going to have enough strength to walk back home (it's in the park by our house).  

This is very exciting for me because I am a fitness fanatic. I love it!!!  I can't explain it. I just love the challenge of fitness. I love getting my pulse up, pushing myself. I am also anxious to meet people in our new community. So, this whole jogging club is PERFECT!!!  We get to warm up together, stretch and talk, then walk a bit while we talk, then start the hard stuff at which point we can;t talk because we are too busy trying to breath. After all the hard work is complete, the calories burned, the muscles pumped and cooled down, we sit together while the little ones play on the park. Fabulous.  Social/ Exercise time for me and social/exercise time for Paul and Anna.  I must admit my favorite part was when we parked the strollers, turned the kids toward us and did crazy aerobics under the beautiful shade tree. "This is a perk of staying at home with the kids!"  

It was a nice morning. Cool, Sunny, just enough of a breeze to cool the sweat. However, I am worn out. Exhausted

On a side note: Paul is VBS hopping. He went to ours last week and this week I am taking him to the churh's across the street.  It works out perfect because they meet in the morning so it gives me a little time to get some chores done before noon. I'm also getting the opportunity to meet people at the Methodist church across the street!  Works out perfect!

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